Agriculture is the backbone of many developing countries. It offers economic opportunities to millions of people, in particular women who comprise 70% of the agricultural workforce in developing countries. It provides food, jobs, income, and employment for the rural poor.
The agriculture industry is among the most important sectors of developing economies because it contributes to food security and rural development through production, processing, marketing, and distribution. Though agriculture has been a vital component of development in emerging economies for centuries. Its importance continues to grow as incomes go up and populations grow at the same speed. Have you ever wondered how? Keep reading to find out!
Agriculture is the backbone of Developing Countries
The agriculture industry is an integral part of economic development in emerging economies. Because it provides food security, employment opportunities, and income.
A recent study by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) found that in 2030, there will be 9 billion people living in the world who need to be fed with food that is more diverse and nutritious. This means that in order for economic development to happen, developing countries must invest in their agricultural sector.
The agriculture sector is also an important employer for women in developing countries. While the agricultural sector may not make up a large percentage of GDP like other industries do. But it is still very important when considering its contribution to the economy.
Agriculture offers economic opportunities
Agriculture offers economic opportunities to those who work on the land, those who process and market farm produce, and those who own the produce. In developing countries, agriculture is a major source of employment as it accounts for about 20% of all jobs in some regions. In some rural areas where there are not many other job opportunities, agriculture can be an important source of income for individuals and their families.
It also offers the opportunity to learn skills that might not otherwise be accessible to workers in other sectors. For example, livestock production helps train people in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, breeding techniques, animal nutrition, and animal behavior. The agricultural sector also offers training in business management and administration that can lead to employment in related industries like finance or marketing services.
Agriculture provides food, jobs, income, and employment for the rural poor
The food security and nutritional impacts of the industry are significant in developing countries. Over 3 billion people depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. Agriculture is not only a source of nutritious foods; it also provides employment for the rural poor, who comprise 70 percent of all agricultural workers in developing countries.
Employment in agriculture accounts for about 40% of total employment in emerging economies. It is about twice as much as the average share across all sectors. In addition to providing employment opportunities, agriculture has been a vital component of development in emerging economies for centuries. Because it contributes to rural development through production, processing, marketing, and distribution.
The agriculture industry is among the most important sectors of developing economies
Since agriculture is considered the backbone of many developing countries in the world. It offers not only economic opportunities to the people but also brings social harmony to the society. It ensures the availability of work opportunities to the rural workforce.
The agriculture industry is among one of the most vital sectors of developing economies. It has a direct impact on the economic setup of the country. As it ensures food security and rural development through its mechanism. From the day first till last, nobody can negate the role of the agriculture sector in the formation of any society as a progressive one.
Agriculture in developing countries is a vital component of not only food security but also rural development. It contributes to the economic growth and development of the sector through production, processing, marketing, and distribution.
70% of the agricultural workforce in developing countries are generally women. This is largely due to cultural norms that dictate that, in most cases, it is women’s responsibility to provide for their families. In many communities with limited livelihood opportunities, farming is one of the few ways to ensure enough food for everyone. So women have been taking up this role over the years.
Income from agriculture can generate financial stability and independence for people living in poverty around the world. Between 2010 and 2015, income from agriculture worldwide has increased by 11%. That equates to an extra $2 trillion dollars being injected into global economies. Between 2015 till 2021, a lot of development has taken place in the agricultural sector.
Agriculture offers a sustainable livelihood solution for millions of people around the globe. What’s more? It continues to be an important component of development as populations increase and incomes go up at the same rate.
Reducing dependence on imports
As developing economies grow and incomes go up gradually. The demand for food and other necessities of life increases as well. This is especially true in urban areas where populations are growing faster than agricultural production can keep up. A study found that by 2050, urban population growth will increase by over 2 billion people with the majority living in Asia and Africa.
This means that more food will need to be produced locally to meet demand. But the real question is how?
Agriculture continues to play a huge role in development because it offers an avenue for economic growth through exports. Developing countries are able to produce more of their own food at home, reducing dependence on imports from wealthier nations. Developing countries are catching up to richer nations with regard to agricultural productivity per hectare of land, but they still lag behind in terms of yields per worker hour. The most effective way for developing nations to bridge this gap is through the use of advanced technology and innovation.
So, it would not be wrong to say that there are huge challenges for the world in the agriculture sector. In Industrialized countries, researchers are working hard to generate more and more production to meet the need for food. The population of the world is increasing rapidly. In developing countries, there is a big challenge to maintain the balance of food production and supply chain.
Scientists recommend the quick use of innovative and modern techniques in agriculture for developing countries. This is the only way we can meet the challenges of a growing population and a satisfactory food supply chain.
So go green, be prosperous
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