Rural Economy and Role of Agriculture
Rural Economy and Role of Agriculture

The main pillar of the rural economy is based on agriculture. Agricultural land and livestock are the primary means of production for people of the rural areas in any society. Livestock farming consists of the major part of the economy of the majority of people. It relies typically on labor-intensive methods for raising crops and…

Agriculture sector and the society of today
Agriculture Sector and the Society of Today

Agriculture has gained significant importance in human society. With the continuous growth of the population, the impact of agriculture on human societies is increasing day by day. Even though the use of modern technologies has enhanced the yield to feed the huge population. But it also has severe consequences on the environment. As the footprint…

How Pesticides Are Affecting Our Environment
How Pesticides Are Affecting Our Environment

Pesticides are strongly affecting our environment and ecosystem. It is proven that the use of pesticides in the agriculture sector is really unhealthy not only for humans but also for the environment. The excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture has had an adverse effect on the water reservoirs as well. In this blog…

Is Conventional Agriculture the Future of Food
Is Conventional Agriculture the Future of Food

The global population is growing rapidly and it can prove a big challenge by 2050, and we need a better way to feed them all. Conventional agriculture may not be the option to cope with this emerging challenge. The amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticides required for this type of production leads to environmental degradation…

Agriculture in Africa
Agriculture in Africa: The Great Opportunity

Agriculture in Africa is the focal point for the world nowadays. Africa, the second-largest and second-most-populous continent in the world, is home to 54 countries and 1.2 billion inhabitants. The continent has vast natural resources and an abundance of fertile land, but it also faces many challenges such as poverty and hunger.  Agriculture is a…

How Agriculture Can Help Developing Countries Grow and Prosper
How Agriculture Can Help Developing Countries Grow and Prosper

Agriculture is the backbone of many developing countries. It offers economic opportunities to millions of people, in particular women who comprise 70% of the agricultural workforce in developing countries. It provides food, jobs, income, and employment for the rural poor. The agriculture industry is among the most important sectors of developing economies because it contributes…

Major Role and Advantages of Agriculture
Major Role and Advantages of Agriculture

The advantages of agriculture are diverse these days. To go into more details, we have to look back in history. Agriculture has played a pivotal role in nurturing civilization. It still has key importance in the world. Almost all countries are dependent on each other in terms of agriculture. Different regions produce different kinds of…

COVID-19 The Impact on the Agriculture Sector
COVID-19: The Impact on the Agriculture Sector

The impact of COVID-19 has been seen everywhere in the world. It is an extremely aggressive strain of the H1N1 virus. It mainly affects humans and has killed more people in the past months than any other outbreak of its kind in history. What is this strain? How does it affect the agriculture sector? And…